Volunteer Application

First Name:

Last Name:

Home Address:


Postal Code:
Home Phone Number:

Mobile Phone Number:

Other Phone Number:

Emergency Contact Name:


Home Phone:

Mobile Phone:
What motivated you to apply for a volunteer position at Oak Ridges Hospice and what are you hoping to gain through this experience?:

Please detail any previous volunteer experience?

Please detail any certificates or special training related to Hospice/Palliative Care?

Please detail any skills and abilities that may be beneficial to our organization

Please detail any talents/hobbies you could share with our organization?

Do you speak any other language?

What type of client-serving volunteer roles are you interested in?

What type of administrative volunteer roles are you interested in?

Available to serve:
   Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat 
Early Afternoon
Late Afternoon
Overnight Respite      

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